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The main entry to the sanctuary is clearly marked on the north side of the building near the Handicapped Parking spaces. You may park on Avenue D or in the large parking area across the street to the east of the church.


First Lutheran Church follows a traditional and historic Lutheran Christian liturgy for worship. For those familiar with the Lutheran Service Book, we follow a rotation of Divine Service settings 1-4 and Creative Worship on 5th Sunday's. 


A Worship Bulletin is given to each person by one of the Ushers who can guide you to pew seating and answer any questions you may have.


The specific elements of the service are different each week. Watch the large screen at the front of the church for announcements and words to the hymns. You can expect to hear and see familiar traditional hymns, spoken and sung responses, and the occasional contemporary song.


Pastor Ryan usually invites the children in attendance to the front of the church for a brief Children's Message. We also provide Children's Bulletins and cloth bags containing crayons and Biblical coloring books for restless little ones. A Nursery/Cry Room is available at the rear of the Sanctuary, equipped with sound to hear the Service. 

Communion is served each week. As a member congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS), we believe that the Lord's Supper is both for the strengthening of individual faith and a public testimony of our unity in faith and doctrine. If you are not a member of FLC, nor a congregation of the LCMS, you may come forward during distribution to receive a blessing. If you desire to commune with us in the future, please speak with the Pastor or an Elder.  

After worship, we gather for coffee or tea in the Narthex for a time of fellowship. There are bulletin boards where you can get a feel for our activities and various mission projects. Sunday School, Youth bible study, Adult bible study, and junior confirmation begin at 10:30. 

You may read more about the significance behind liturgical worship here.


What can I expect? 

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